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Business-related Management System Standard

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IGC 홍보자료 배너

Business-related Management System Standard

페이지 정보

작성자 igc인증원
댓글 0건 조회 2,094회 작성일 23-06-28 17:31


Business-related Management System Standard

Advances in industry and technological advancements have highlighted the importance of how business is managed.

Business-related Management System Standard< Business-related Management System Standard >

The management systems ISO 22301, 37001, 37301, 44001 provide a framework to prevent accidents and manage risks caused by various causes, such as personal and physical accidents, are applicable regardless of the type and size of the company and are effective in improving stakeholder awareness and trust. In addition, the focus of risk management extends from within the organization to stakeholders, laying the foundation for successful and sustainable management.

ISO 22301:2019 Purpose and Effect of Business Continuity Management System

By prescribing measures to protect, prepare, respond, and recover from disruptive incidents, we help minimize disruption to business operations and have effective response capabilities in the event of an emergency.

  • •  Prevent disruptions due to potential organizational threats and possible incidents
  • •  Fastest recovery within Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption(MTPD)

ISO 37001:2016 Purpose and Effect of Anti-bribery Management System

Helps prevent, detect, and respond to corruption in the organization and to comply with anti-corruption laws and voluntary commitments applicable to their activities.

  • •  Reduce the risk of violations of laws and regulations due to bribery at the individual and organizational level
  • •  Increase customer confidence

ISO 37301:2021 Purpose and Effect of Compliance Management System

Helps develop, spread, and disseminate a compliance culture that can prevent or minimize the organization's compliance obligations.

  • •  Increase business opportunities and sustainability
  • •  Minimize risk of violations associated with accompanying costs and reputation damage

The purpose and effectiveness of ISO 44001:2017 Collaborative business relationship management system

Provides and supports approaches to improving and developing collaborative business relationships among organizations of all sizes, regardless of the type of business partner.

  • •  Affecting collaborative organization behavior and organizational culture to provide improved benefits to stakeholders
  • •  Delivering partnerships through optimized and effective collaboration

If you have any questions, please contact us at the following email address.

E-mail: info@igcert.org


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