PCQI Professional training
Food safety prevention management expert training course
FSPCA-approved PCQI training outline
According to the FDA FSMA Act, food production facilities must have at least one PCQI expert for FDA FSMA third-party certification.
PCQI is a person who establishes a food safety plan within each company, and each company establishes a food safety plan through the appropriate number of Preventive Control Qualified Individuals (PCQI: qualified preventive management personnel) and establishes the FSMA Act. Can comply.
Qualification is obtained by completing the PCHF (Preventive Controls for Human Food) Lead Instructor training course administered by the Food Safety Preventive Control Alliance (FSPCA), a designated organization in the United States that conducts PCQI training commissioned by the US FDA. After that, it is given to the person who obtained the certificate.
What is PCQI?
PCQI is a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI). PCQI (Preventive controls qualified individual) Persons who are qualified in preventive controls (controls) are qualified by successfully completing training equivalent to the standardized curriculum recognized by FDA through the development and application of risk-based preventive controls.
It refers to an individual who is given or otherwise qualified through experience in the development and application of a food safety system. The preventive control regulations for food state that certain food safety related tasks must be carried out by the PCQI or be supervised.
In order to qualify for PCQI, food safety workers must successfully complete the US FDA-approved standard curriculum conducted by FSPCA.
PCQI training content is as follows.- 1. Preventive management concept training for FSMA response
- 2. Food safety plan outline
- 3. Operate GMP and other prerequisite programs
- 4. Biological food safety hazards
- 5. Food safety hazards in chemical, physical and economic aspects
- 6. Pre-steps in developing a food safety plan
- 7. Support for preparing food safety plans (data)
- 8. Hazard analysis and determination of preventive control points-overview
- 9. Preventive management
- 10. Food allergy support preventive management
- 11. Hygiene prevention management
- 12. Preventive management of supply chain
- 13. Verification and validation procedure
- 14. Record storage and management
- 15. Recovery plan
- 16. Legal outline (cGMP, risk analysis, risk-based preventive management)
The importance of PCQI training
According to the preventive control regulations for food, PCQI first, establishes a food safety plan, second, verifies preventive control, third, reviews records, and fourth, performs or manages the task of reanalyzing the food safety plan. As such, the employment of PCQI is a prerequisite for meeting the requirements of current preventive control regulations for food.
The PCQI may be an employee of the food-related facility, or may be consulted by an external PCQI when establishing a food safety plan, and in some cases, two or more PCQIs may be effective in establishing a food safety plan.
PCQI requirements
One or more persons qualified for preventive care must do or supervise the following :
- Preparation of food safety plan
- Verification of preventive management
- Proof of valid reason for verification conducted after the first 90 days of production of the applicable food
- Decision that verification is not required
- Record review
- Proof of valid reason that the review of the monitoring and corrective action record was not made within 7 days
- Re-analysis of food safety plan
- Decision that after 90 days after production of the applied food, re-analysis is completed appropriate to the characteristics of preventive management and the role in the food safety system of the relevant facility, and additional preventive management can be verified.
IGC’s Competency
The IGC Certification Center was recognized by the US FDA and IAS as the third-party FDA FSMA certification body, the 7th in the world and the first in Korea.
For FDA FSMA third-party certification, food producers must have at least one PCQI expert. IGC provides FSMA, PCQI, and FSVP expert training services by receiving the training authority (designated as Lead Instructor) for the PCQI training course and FSVP expert training from FSPCA.
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