OHSAS 18001 Professional Training
Occupational Health and Safety management system training course
OHSAS 18001:2007 Outline
To significantly reduce the safety-related risks within the organization, OHSAS 18001 certification is suitable for all businesses. The occupational health and safety management system is recognized as the best known industrial health and safety management system. With this certification, you can prove that the health and safety of your employees is your priority.
With the adoption of the occupational health and safety management system as an international standard (ISO 45001), OHSAS 18001 will cease to be effective after the transitionable period (March 11, 2018-11 March 2021). Therefore, OHSAS 18001 certified companies need to transfer to ISO 45001 before that. IGC provides optimal certification services to help with conversion and new certification.
The importance of OHSAS 18001 training
OHSAS 18001 is one of the main management systems along with quality, environment and other management systems. By creating an optimal working environment across your organization, you can identify risks and manage them to ensure proper control.
For the effective application of the standard OHSAS 18001, companies and industries need qualified professionals. The purpose of the OHSAS 18001 Auditor Certification process is to provide the certification body with the confidence that auditors and individuals certified through this program are eligible.
As part of the auditor process, assessment will be conducted against requirements that reflect the key competencies, knowledge and experience that define eligibility. The training program is based on the key standards for audit.
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