Hot-water boiler
92/42/EEC is a directive on the efficiency requirements for new hot water boilers burning on liquid or gaseous fuels rated at 4 kW ~ 400 kW and is part of the European Union's SAVE program on promoting energy efficiency.
The purpose of this directive is to improve energy efficiency by setting efficiency requirements for hot water boilers that burn as liquid or gas.
Hot water boilers that use liquid or gaseous fuel with a rated output of 4 Kw ~ 400 Kw (standard boiler, low temperature boiler, gas condensing boiler)
Excluded Scope
- Hot water boiler that can be burned by various fuels including solid fuel
- Hot water preparation equipment
- Boiler designed to be burned by fuels(Industrial waste gas, biogas, etc.) with properties different from those of liquid and gaseous fuels on the market.
- Cooking utensils and appliances installed in the building to provide central heating and sanitary hot water with the main purpose of heating
- Equipment designed for the production of stored sanitary hot water with a rated output of less than 6kW using gravity circulation
- Single use Boiler
Efficiency requirements
- Rated power : Operates at an average boiler water temperature of 70 °C at rated power (Pn) expressed in kW
- Partial load : Operates with a load of 30% at the average water temperature of the boiler depending on the type of boiler
Type of boiler
Output range
Efficiency at rated power
Efficiency at partial load
Average boiler water temperature (in ℃)
Efficiency requirement (in %)
Average boiler water temperature (in ℃)
Efficiency requirement (in %)
Standard boiler
4 - 400
≥ 84 + 2 logPn
≥ 50
≥ 80 + 3
Low temperature boiler +
4 - 400
≥ 87.5 + 1.5 logPn
≥ 87.5 + 1.5
Gas condensing boiler
4 - 400
≥91 + 1 logPn
≥ 97 + 1 logPn
(*) Condensing boilers using liquid fuel included
(**) Water temperature of Boiler
Conformity assessment procedure
Module B +
Module C
EU- Type Inspection + Type suitability
Module D
EU- Type Inspection + Production quality assurance
Module E
EU- Type Inspection + Production quality assurance
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- IGC has been accredited by IAS, an accreditation body in the United States, and provides certification services for management systems.
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Related Services from IGC
01System certification (ISO 13485, ISO 15378, ISO 14155)
02Product certification (European CE certification, clinical evaluation, medical device registration [Eurasia, China, USA, Thailand, Taiwan])
03Certification of Auditor Qualifications
04Professional manpower training and education